These maples seem almost run-of-the-mill to some being they hold a solid green leaf throughout the summer. For instance, the Sango kaku, breaks bud in Spring brings a spectacular burst of bright lime green leaves. The bark resends to a subtle light pink, and the leaves green darken into the Summer.
Fall brings the turn of leaves. Yellow to bright orange and with the right positioning in the landscape (more winter sun) the true beauty of these trees. The bark begins its transformation. In Florida, the Sango kaku can hold its winter foliage longer than most coral barks and when the leaves drop along with the temperatures the trees can seem to glow a deep, bright red! Four colors, four seasons with two features. The bark and the leaves.!
So next time your looking for that sleeper in the landscape, consider one of the coral bark maples. Some have red bark, others yellow but either color will turn heads all year round!
Red Maple Nursery & Bonsai, LLC.
904 703 6348
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