
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Late season opening!

 It's May and I am running like it is still late March! Behind a bit but the trees are not. Grafting started way later than had planned but that said, I am in the 90% + take. Been a while since I have ever had that. My "most difficult to catch" groups have ALL taken!
  My bonsai pottery is way more than I thought. Big Sale coming soon!!!! Contact me if you want more info now. I am also going to go to my special little growing grounds and bringing back some very nice Japanese Black pine, Japanese Red pine, Trident maple, Shimpaku/San Jose/Procumbens nana Juniper. The Procumbens will blow anyone's mind. 4-6"+ trunks! Nice root over rock tridents on the way as well. I do have on hand a large number of starter Japanese green maples, Chinese elm, Japanese Black pine, Dwarf Kingsville boxwood for Mame as well as doing some custom air layering on select Chinese elm branches.
  Still the leading grower of Bonsai and Japanese maples in Jacksonville, FL. We have something for every level of experience and every price range! Advice is always free! Have an existing bonsai you have questions about, bring it on over. I will be happy to assist you in any way possible. Its hard to find a nursery in town that has more than a few bonsai on a bench that doesn't want big $$$ for. Once you talk to most, you'll see their knowledge is as sparse as their selection. 20+ years ( I don't like to date myself) have given me all sorts of experience in this area. All I do is Bonsai and Japanese Maples at my nursery. North east Florida and south east Georgia are in a unique area that allows an ever expanding selection of plants that can be grown due to our zone and climate.
  At Red Maple Nursery & Bonsai, LLC., I am always expanding on plant cultivars and species. 2015 is going to be a HUGE year of growth (no pun but yes) and expansion. I will be introducing 20+ new varieties of Japanese Maples in fall 2015/ spring 2016!!!! More conifers on the way as well for both landscape and bonsai. I am still appointment only for the time being but am free most all of the time. Only Mondays and Tuesdays I reserve for shipping. I will be offering classes on bonsai and more in late summer/early fall 2015. Please inquire now for more info!
  For Jacksonville, Florida's best nursery and grower of Japanese maples and bonsai supplies, look no further than Red Maple Nursery & Bonsai, LLC. (904) 703 6348 and coming soon: We look forward to serving you on a personal level!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Getting back to life's calling. Dedicated to Mom!

A hole seemed to rip in my heart as of recent. My mother, who gave to me my first bonsai at 16, passed on. She is attributed as an inspiration throughout my life shaping me into much of who I am today. Letting me grow on my own when needed and assisting me when I was out of line so to speak (that “you’ll wish you had listened” rings so true..). Much of what I learned I will eventually leave myself to the hands of another. Shaping when necessary and left to grow its own way when needed. Never pushing it to one side or the other rather letting nature and nurture combine in harmony merely assisting in smoothing the rough edges.

   Her willingness to let both my brother and I both take the direction we chose. She emphasized that whatever we may do we do with a whole hearted commitment and giving it our all. He and I turned out  the polar opposite of each other. Day and night is putting it very lightly. As for Mom, she would not have had it any other way it seemed. We became who we are because of the support, moral cornerstone she provided and letting us pursue what we felt in our hearts we wanted and were devoted to and passionate about. He is the Wall Street type where I am the Main Street. He speed on his life’s highway where I blazed my trial off of the dirt road (literally at times).

   Growing up I can’t say I remember any friends that didn’t simply call her Mom. Everyone was family. She really had no knowledge of bonsai though provided me with the same attributes I applied to my own life as I did my work. A portrait, as is a Picasso, is art, it’s just what my senses and vision may dictate part of how my tree(s) ultimately grow. Following its natural movement and compliment with time, patients and a whole lot of blind faith. Some I like the natural untouched look and others as twisty and as contorted as possible. Some like the straight and true formal upright. Neither is wrong nor right. It’s how the tree inspires you to grow… It trains you as much as you do it.

  For those of you who follow this I greatly appreciate your interest and patience. I had a lot of calls recently and was unable to get back to some and other unfortunately, I didn’t. For that I greatly apologize. Come September 20th (Saturday) I will resume appointments and visits. I have been very excited to show off new materials both bonsai and Japanese maples. A huge selection of pottery and tools as well. I have had exponential growth and selection that rivals anything I have had since around 2004. With that said please feel free to call (leave a name and number if you get voicemail) or email me at The Fall promises to be a burst of color and diversity like no other! Thank you all!

Monday, June 2, 2014

How to going about coming to the nursery.....

Lately, I have had many calls on hours, location and so forth. I only show by way of appointment. Its very simple to do. I am available almost 7 days a week. I like to work with what times work for you! Also, as a private nursery and residence is why I do not have an address listed. From anywhere around Jacksonville, FL. once on the I-295 beltway, I am located off of Kernan Blvd just north of Atlantic Blvd. Still the only place in Jacksonville FL that you can find the widest selection of bonsai material, tools, pottery and more including 50+ varieties of Japanese maple.
  Now about making that appointment or initial contact. Email is always the best! or call/text to (904) 703 - 6348. Phone may take 48 hours to respond though I will contact you to touch bases. I can generally set an appointment within 24 hour if needed or less for rush or for your leisure for just a casual walk through. I am always up for talking about the trees! Where in Jacksonville FL can you see so many varieties of Japanese maples and bonsai assortment? Only here at Red Maple Nursery & Bonsai!
  Speaking of assortments, a very late push on so many of my Japanese Black pine has me curious on how these will be erupting into either great landscape/rock garden trees or superb bonsai candidates! The Zelkova serrata have developed very nicely as well. Still young, this is turning out to be the best I have had in years! If the parent plant is any indicator (it is) these will make the most discriminating buyer grin with delight. Chinese Lacebark pines are a bumper as well.... and I could go on. Snake bark maples, hedge maple, Chinese elm, Korean Hornbeam... see, told you. One more, ever seen a Weeping Norway Spruce? Grafted here and growing. Yep, here in Florida! Until next time....

Monday, April 28, 2014

As always, life has different plans for each day than I intended. Once told, "make your plans and God will laugh!" There has been a lot of laughter as of late, however, I am always thankful for everyday I count in life!

  The nursery is official a mess! Ha Ha  Ha! Worse than normal, no more so than usual though I keep shifting and setting up everything only to pull it apart and redo it. I'll sink posts for bonsai stands only to move them or decide that one belongs with another group. The Japanese maples get grouped, rowed out, irrigation run only to shift it once or twice or eight times a charm! A lot of some of the new (last several seasons) stock I introduced I have stocked heavy on them. Several variety of Japanese and Chinese pines, Snake Bark maples, Tridents and painted (Mono), Cedar, Larch, Zelkova, tropical and then some...
   Pottery and soil are more than abundant this year! Sizes, shapes, textures and much more! Shohin to 20"+ pots! Many different glazes as well as unglazed. All include screen and wire for anchoring! Not as an option. I keep on hand several mixes of soil to choose and then individual amendments for custom blends. The Specimen trees have been most spectacular this year. While they are in training to an extent, they will make stunning trees in a short work!
   Wire in both aluminum and copper has been hot as well. Having aluminum from 1.0mm al the way to 8.0mm (yes, that stubborn trunk WILL bend) and copper from 1.5mm to 5.0mm. I can sell by 100g, 500g, kilo and by the foot so you get what you need and not have to buy in bulk. Tools for the novice to the seasoned vets. I do not sell the high dollar tools with simply "brand names" to back them. I keep it practical, affordable and nothing I sell I wouldn't use or have not. I even keep several tools for customers to use and on occasion to take home for a few days to give them a real test and see if the tool is worth the investment at that time. Its truly a winner for us all!
   Lots of new stock to check out so make an appointment soon! remember, I am a private nursery so I do not have a store front or operating hours, better yet, I make individualize time for each of my customers! Time well spent for both of us to learn and go over as well as grow! Until next time, shape to your hearts content!

Marc C Kendrick
Red Maple Nursery & Bonsai, LLC.
904 703 6348

Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Finally???!!!

 This year has been tricky, harsh yet not the worst by far. More recorders freezes in 2012/13 than this year of 2013/14. This year they simply had more of a chill that cut to the bone. The back to back nights of sub freezing did take a toll on my tropical yet benefit my maples (especially the coral bark!) bringing a very strong flush at this point. 
  I love the four seasons that any of my Japanese maple brings about. Spring always has the flush of color that show the emince variation the different varieties hold, getting to see the new growth emerge and watch it through the season to watch it twist and turn as wishes and watch the colors settle in for summer. Its also, now, that I have taken my scion wood for grafting and sorted trees out for bonsai or landscape use which can really pull on ones heartstrings. I have several from last year that are still in the undecided group. Still transitioning from place to place, I am certain to will stumble upon more.
  I also take this time to break out my tools and go to work doing layering, cutting and then some. Pottery starts to crank up from run of the mill basic pottery (which is an excellent choice) to some more choice kilns and some hand made one offs. I break out the wire, both copper and aluminum, and ready my trees to shape. With 1mm through 8mm there isn't to much I can't bend and shape. I begin to mix my various soils for what needs a refreshing or bumping a size up or down. I like to compare this time of year to the equivalent of black Friday for me. It's a frenzy that sets in and just hope I can accomplish all I set out to do. I usually make it happen and then come winter, I often see growth shielded by the previous seasons foliage.... The cycle comes full circle!

   Be sure to check back as I will be posting photos, a list of selections from maples (all) to bonsai material and more! Really excited for of the selection of true dwarf boxwood I will be introducing! Finally they have reached a good age and mature stature as they grow so, so slow! Photos and info to follow shortly!  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

  It's been a while... 6 months. A lot of learning, searching and realizing I resemble in life exactly what I do for it, change by season and ultimately grow how I as I am guided. Humbling... as it should be.

   On the lighter side, fall and winter have brought many new exciting changes. I have been able to consolidate more and more of my collection of Japanese maples and bonsai material almost in one location. When I saw my Shishigashira Japanese maples (Lions Head Japanese maple for most of us) I almost fell over. I still have some of my smaller ones though the older have matured in a dynamic sense! Awesome caliper, structure and just overall stunning! The Trompenberg have exploded and needed to be cut back for further branching. These will be some of, if not the best of a crop I have ever had. They are exhibiting more and more character of a sculptured landscape specimen. The Bihou as well are as good as they get. The younger trees are holding the yellow bark even better than expected. So many neighbors have ask about the "bamboo-looking tree" in the yard. Definitely have found my parent plants! Spectacular is being conservative....

  I also didn't realize the amount of odds n ends I have so to speak. Kandy Kitchen, Sisters ghost, Mikawa Yatsubusa (some of the sizes), Shirazz, Koto no ito, Yuri Hime Sport, Moonfire and so many more. Such a large range of sizes to fit the bonsai enthusiast, home landscape DYI and specimen size trees of several varieties up to 4" caliper! I am amazed by it my self. Maples aside, so much more has come to fruition in the way of the bonsai stock I have cultivated. Japanese Black pine, Trident maples (among the many, many varieties I stock), Hornbeam, Oak, Dogwood, Boxwood, true Dwarf Boxwood, Holly, Tropical and so much more. Flat out, the best selection of bonsai material in Jacksonville, Florida! Period!

  I will be posting photos of more and more of my work and material in the coming weeks. Once this crazy weather settles a bit. Have to love the 35* Wednesdays, followed by 75*+ Saturday only to be back to the 30's by mid week again! The true spirit of the Florida winter!  Until then.... be happy and healthy!


Friday, August 2, 2013

Grafting can often be a double edged sword. This has held especially true for my endeavor to bring some of my favorite Japanese maples and conifers to the south east namely zone 9. I have been rewarded with several being in the boarder of zone 9b/10a. Others, well, let’s just say should have remained in 7. With all local rootstock and time tested parent plants for scion wood, much more than I had ever envisioned has come to fruition. 50 + varieties of Japanese maple and conifer alongside other plants I have worked with have made the transition.

   Some would shrug and ask why bother. I have to admit, I have ask myself the same some late nights. More cuts on my thumbs from the knife drawl than there are bandages (glad I am ambidextrous or I’d only be half way there) for. The alcohol for sterilizing the rootstock adds a bit of “wow, I’m awake factor” to it all. In the end is the wait to see what takes and then survives after a few seasons. The additions below are being worked in for fall 2013 (late August to early September) and spring 2014. Basically, for north east Florida (Jacksonville) and south east Georgia your choices for the unique just got a whole lot better. Some listed below are familiar to those who know me. Others will be a welcomed addition. There are some that aren’t listed that are limited production for bonsai, dwarf or collectors. They are available to all though most aren’t the average landscaper. Some maples and pines grow less than an inch a year. Like watching paint dry to some and a marvel of wonder to others.


So, here are some of what are rolling out for 2013/2014:

Abigail Rose, Asahi Niski, Beni Kawa, Beni Komanchi, Beni O Take, Beni ShiShiHenge, Bloodgood, Bon Fire, Boskoop Glory,  Butterfly, Crimson Queen, Emperor 1, Ever Red, Fire Glow, Garnet, Green Cascade, Hefner’s Red, Hogyoku, Inaba Shidare, Koto Ito Komachi, Koto No Ito, Lionheart,  Moonfire, Nuresagi, O Kagami, Omureyama, Orange Dream, Orangeola, Oridono Nishiki, Osakazuki, Peaches & Cream, Purple Ghost,  Red Dragon, Red Emporer, Garnet, Scofolium, Seiryu, Shaina, Sumi Nagashi, Shojo Nomura, Sparkling Burgundy, Trompenberg, Tamuke Yama, Tsukasa Silhouette, Virdis, Waterfall and Yubae.


  There are , as mentioned, not all listed, like Sharps Pygmy, Shin Deshojo, Sango Kaku, Winter Flame, Bihou and more. I will also have on hand Basic red and green leaf Japanese maples in 1 to 5 gal. Also from the list will be some 15-45 gal as well as specimen. These are on strict request availability. Not easy to move around or dig just to not follow through. All 25 gal and larger require a 25% deposit upon selection and is non-refundable.